Della Z Duncan

A Conversation with a Renegade Economist

Della uplifts stories of regenerative economics as the host of the Upstream Podcast supports individuals as a Right Livelihood coach, works with organizations as a cooperatives economic consultant, and facilitates courses and retreats around the world. Her website is

Support the Upstream Podcast here.

Resources that were mentioned in our conversation

Ikigai-The Japanese Art of Meaningful Life by Yukari Mitsuhashi

Charles Eisenstein interview on Upstream Podcast - coming soon

The Service Berry by Robin Wall Kimmerer

Sand Talk - How Indigenous Thinking Can Save the World by Tyson Yunkaporta

Tyson Yunkaporta interview on the Upstream Podcast - coming soon

How on Earth by Jennifer Hinton on the rapid rise of not-for-profit forms of business

Joanna Macy’s books Active Hope, Coming Back to Life (Karryn loved her memoir, Widening Circles) and more, all here

The Work That Reconnects general website

Work by feminist authors J.K. Gibson-Graham

Della is facilitating a session of the Work that Reconnects Nov 9-10 in California

HUM: A Weekend of Song, Connection, & Regeneration - Nov 19-21 in Watsonville, CA

Don't miss a thing! Hear future Conversations live, and access recordings.