Interview with Frances Rose & Acorn

K is for Kitchen Thumbnail

Feeding Life with Practices that Serve

How may we integrate multi-capital abundance into our right livelihoods? - and more, understand it to be essential?

How may we keep our offerings financially accessible, while truly valuing our labor?

How do we center our core values in all that we do while keeping our offerings relevant to those we serve? 

Acorn & Frances Rose welcome us inside the web of living industry that is their lives & work.  Their foundation rests upon a cross-pollinated web of relationships across intersecting, and often marginalized communities.  Here, the primary currencies - and engines - of this realm are diverse forms of capital, exchanged within & around an ethos of *practice* and of *service to Life*.

They share at once the practical magic of regenerative food systems while cultivating a culture shift aimed at supplanting the modern world.  Their primary vehicles for this work right now are a 6-year strong, donation-based Community Supported Kitchen in West Philadelphia and a just-born worker-owned cooperative called K is for Kitchen.  Learn more about Acorn & Frances Rose’s work at &

If you dream of a powerfully integrated Life-work that serves your spirit & the world, know that your realm of service or passion is food, believe in the magical & the sacred, practice urban permaculture, or live life on the margins, you will be inspired by this interview.  

Acorn’s Bio:

Acorn is a queer cultural worker, cook, & baker who acts in service to Life every way they know how. They are setting deep roots in West Philadelphia, where they organize against gentrification, steward a hub of living industry called the House of the Pink Panther, offer vocational training & Life Design services, and share regenerative food through the Community Supported Kitchen and the worker-owned cooperative K is for Kitchen. Acorn finds great joy in co-creating this Life & work with mate Frances Rose, and great comfort in the daily ritual of breakfast.

Frances Rose’s Bio: 

Cultivating a deep respect for the whole of Earth & Creation, Frances Rose is a community hearth-keeper, who helps people connect with a passion for Life through shared explorations in rooting locally.   Fae plants the seeds of a more resilient world by sharing essential skills & knowledge needed to grow regenerative culture anywhere, while investing in local ecosystems that nourish deeply any place one calls Home.  In short, she helps marry people to place.