A Conversation with Laura Oldanie


  • What does wealth that supports LIFE look like? Feel like?
  • How does it differ from conventional wealth?
  • Can wealth be regenerative?
  • What role does a regenerative right livelihood play in cultivating regenerative wealth?
  • We explored these and other questions; and also heard how Laura discerned and designs her livelihood path.

    Laura Oldanie is a green living and money coach who blogs at RichandResilientLiving.com, where she explores money and lifestyle choices for a regenerative future. Her goal is to help reluctant capitalists achieve financial resilience on a climate challenged planet. Laura's been featured in CNBC, Forbes, and Good Housekeeping. She is co-author of the life-changing book Growing FREE (Financially Resilient/Economically Empowered) Building the Life of Your Dreams Without Losing Your Soul or Destroying the Planet.

    Here is her "How I'm Investing to Save the Planet" blog post mentioned in the interview.

    Resources mentioned in the Conversation

    Funding the Growth of Regenerative Agriculture https://gosteward.com/

    ReValue Values Based Investment Advisory Firm https://www.revalueinvesting.com/
    See their local investing educational services here

    Bobby Fishkin
    Relational Capital & Crowddoing

    Michael Shuman
    "Put Your Money Where Your Life Is" book - here's an excerpt
    He's also part of www.themainstreetjournal.org

    Bioregional Finance for PlanetaryRegeneration https://www.biofi.earth

    The Next Egg - "We’re reimagining retirement savings and investment"

    www.waterstories.com "Reviving OurWater and Land" - Zach Weiss

    Rad (Financial) Planners - includes a call to radicals to become financial planners

    Laura Oldanie also mention Laura D., whose Instagram handle is @livefreelaurad

    In a folllow-up email, Laura Oldanie said
    "In a live webinar Laura D. hosted last week about the emerging meaning economy she shared two YouTube videos I thought might be of interest to those who participated in our discussion today:
    - The Rise of the Meaning Economy - A major paradigm shift is coming, this will reshape life and work! - Death of the Follower & the Future of Creativity on the Web with Jack Conte l SXSW 2024 Keynote

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